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Residential life

Welcome to the FRCExplore the programs and services we offer residents at the FRC

Since 1998, the Family and Resource Center (FRC) has been dedicated to helping FGSH residents feel comfortable in their apartments, engage with other residents and learn about OSU and the Stillwater community. Be involved, consider joining the  FGSH Leadership Council.

Located at 719 N. Walnut St.

Need Groceries? English Classes? Family Activities?

The Family Resource Center offers year-round programming and services for all ages. Most at no charge. Supplies and food for the FRC/University Housing programs are purchased with a portion of funds coming from student activity fees and lease monies.

Free Food and Supplies

Food Pantry, Loan Closet, Red Pantry, Our Daily Bread Mobile Market

Adult Programs

Conversational English. Book Club. Sewing Club. And more! Registration required

Youth and Family Programs

Age-appropriate fun offered during the school year. Registration required

Apartment Assistants (AAs)

Helping you with all things in The Neighborhoods, OSU and the community. Located in Community Relations Office

FGSH Garden Plots

Grow vegetables in your own leased plot! Find out how. Early spring!

Free Shopping Shuttle

Walmart. Aldi. Sprouts. And more! See schedule

FGSH Soccer Tournament

Team up with your friends to compete for the World Cup every spring

Just 4 Us Program

A support group for OSU's single parents

Common Areas, Meeting Spaces and Laundries

Spaces for you and your family to use and enjoy

Meet the Staff

FGSH staff are here to serve you and give you the residential experience you deserve. Get to know the people behind our daily operations.
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