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Guest Policy


  • Undergraduate Halls
    • As a resident, you are welcome to have overnight guest(s) three nights per semester, provided each roommate approves of the visit(s).
    • Guests may not stay more than two consecutive nights. Visits of more than three nights (even with breaks in between or in three nights spent in another resident's room) are prohibited unless the assistant residential community educator (ARCE) or the residential community educator (RCE) gives permission.
    • You must escort your guests at all times. As a guest host, you will be held accountable and liable for any university infractions or building damage done by your guests.
    • Guests may not sleep in lounges or lobbies. Infringement on the rights of roommates or of other residents is prohibited. Disregarding university regulations will result in the eviction of the guests from the premises.
  • Family and Graduate Student Housing

    A guest is a person who is not assigned to an apartment and with whom the resident is socializing in the apartment. Residents are limited to three overnight visits per semester. Guest must follow all policies and not infringe on the rights of other residents.


    Residents are encouraged to notify their apartment assistant (AA) and the Community Relations Office when hosting overnight guests. During an emergency evacuation of the apartment/building, staff members need to know where guests are located.


    The FGSH assistant director or designated Family Resource Center (FRC) staff may approve additional overnight visits per semester. 

  • Maximum number of people in space at any time
    • Traditional/single student spaces: 4 people or less, including the resident(s)
    • Suites: 6 people or less, including the resident(s)
    • Apartments: 8 people or less, including the resident(s)