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Smoke Detectors and Sprinkler Systems

All of the residential halls and Family and Graduate Student Housing apartments are equipped with smoke detectors. Smoke detectors in rooms are inspected regularly by Environmental Health and Safety.


Sprinkler systems are installed for added safety in all residence halls.


Best practices include the following:

  • Sprinklers must never be painted.
  • Nothing may be hung from the sprinkler piping or sprinkler heads.
  • Sprinkler heads may never be obstructed or altered.
  • Nothing may be stored within 18 inches of the sprinkler head.
  • Frisbees, footballs, baseballs, and so forth are not to be thrown in rooms, hallways or other public areas.
  • Report any damages to the sprinkler system to the service desk immediately.
  • On or near the front door of each living space is a fire evacuation route poster. This poster is to remain in place at all times including but not limited to check-in, Health and Safety Checks and move-out,
  • If at any time the smoke detector starts beeping periodically, it may mean that the battery is low. If this happens, call the HRL Facilities and Maintenance Office at 405-744-8510, and they will send someone to replace the battery. Do not replace the battery yourself.

Tamper with fire safety equipment

By a mandate of the state fire marshal, an action plan has been adopted by OSU and Housing and Residential Life. Regulations are in effect regarding tampering with any fire safety equipment. This includes but is not limited to the propping of fire-resistant doors, tampering with or covering smoke detectors, tampering with sprinkler heads, fire alarms and fire extinguishers, including using fire extinguishers in nonemergency situations. Activation of fire alarms in nonemergency situations is prohibited (cooking, vapes, pull stations, steaming clothes, and the like) and misuse of any of these will be met with a subsequent conduct case and consequences as deemed necessary by the conduct officer.


The resident will be assessed a fine of $500 for each incidence of tampering or activation. The resident will also be placed on Housing and Residential Life probation and receive an educational sanction.


Subsequence offenses: 1) a $500 fine will be assessed for each offense; 2) the student will be removed from housing and the contract must be paid in full; 3) an incident report will be forwarded to OSU Police Department and Environmental Health and Safety for a code violation ticket (potential fine of $5,000 and one-year imprisonment); 4) and the student will be referred to the OSU Student Support and Conduct.