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HESA 2191 Leadership Course


HESA 2191 is a one credit, eight-week short hybrid course offered during Spring 2024 that examines leadership and builds personal competencies using the lens of personal identity combined with three-pillar Student Affairs philosophy of:

  • Student Leadership
  • Community Living
  • Student Learning

Students who are interested in a position as a community mentor or ambassador for Fall 2024 must complete HESA 2191 successfully. The course is designed to increase student learning and development in the area of leadership and student affairs. All students and majors are welcome to take the course.


Meet the Community Mentors


“My favorite part of the job is being able to establish a bond among a multitude of unique individuals while putting them in successful situations that they are passionate about.” Brenden, Village D Community Mentor


“Being a CM is a great leadership opportunity and a great way to help students stay motivated by getting them connected to campus.” Roneisha, Booker-Stinchcomb  Community Mentor


"Now more than ever, we are seeing the importance of community and connection between individuals. That's why being a CM is so fulfilling, you get to witness and be a part of a community forming." Jensen, Village A, C and D Community Mentor